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Must obey!
JoinedPosts by Must obey!
Why does the WBTS keep confusing 'rulership' with 'kingdom'?
by Must obey! ini get annoyed at how the society keeps harping on about how 'the kingdom' of god is actually a heavenly governmental rulership, made up of 144,000 & christ.
for example, this quote in the study article about god's sovereignty just reviewed:.
"a sovereign generally exercises his authority through an agency that is placed over his subjects.the kingdom of god, therefore, is an expression or exercise of god's universal sovereignty toward his creatures, a means or an agency used by him to carry out his rulership.".
Why they cant change!
by jefferywhat inthey cant change this as it helps them keep jesus in a subservient position.
this is one of the strangest policies of the wt, why would jesus be the "angel" that dragged the jews around the wilderness?
i wonder if this idea of michael being jesus came out around the same time that jesus was no longer worshipped ( 1950's) anyone know?
Must obey!
They could easily change the blood policy to make it a conscience matter, but they won't because they will get their asses sued to kingdom come. The lawyers would never let them.
They can't entirely abandon the 1914 doctrine because, as you imply, it is so intimately linked to their 1918 spiritual inspection & appointment creed, whereby their derive their authority to lord it over God's 'household'.
However they can easily change what 1914 means by simply dropping some major events that are pegged to the date. They could easily spin it to say that 1914 is still the beginning of the last days (because WW1 started then) and the 'composite sign' has indeed been in evidence since 1914, but that Jesus did not return then and his parousia did not start then...they can simply move those things forward and say Jesus' installation as King and the coming of the Kingdom are all future, starting from the GT. Jesus didn't have to become king since 1914 to have inspected the Watchtower Society and appointed them; they can easily separate the two in the minds of most of their loyal devotees. That way they can stick with their 1914-1919 chronology & retain their authority but abandon their ridiculous teaching that Jesus was installed as King then. Most of the rank and file would marvel at this 'new light', because it is in fact a lot more reasonable than the current absurd position. Most would remain devoted Watchtowerites even after such a big change. The pressure will definitely be on to have a fresh look at all this in a couple of decades, or even earlier..
News from Mother ship
by jefferywhat in1. bethel in ny suspect high level apostate, cant identify it but know its there.
2. major organizational changes about to start rolling out, one is changes to the "service committee" and titles, po to be done away with, thats all i know for now.
was told that if you are the sort of person that cant handle changes, you wont stay in the org for long.
Must obey!
If true, it is just legal manoeuvering. The Society's lawyers are hatching schemes to try and protect the Society for more expensive litigation, that's all.
Very heartening to hear that a top level apostate may exist, especially if it is a GB member. If a GB member was to resign or be removed for apostasy it could cause a lot of damage at a sensitive time for the organisation. They could cause massive damage like Ray Franz did if they went public.
JWs teach Jesus is not their Mediator....see WT article!!
by Lady Liberty inhello friends,.
many while jws, (myself included) were not aware that the organization teaches that jesus is the mediator for the 144,000 only!
i was so shocked to learn this, and i thought i would post this for all the newbies and lurkers.
Must obey!
This is rather old news for most on here, but it is always good to read this again and be reminded of it. The Watchtower idol most certainly is preaching something beyond what the apostle Paul and other apostles taught (Galatians 1). An offensive twisting of the plain scriptural truth that ALL genuine Christians are all one sheep with one shepherd in the same pen, all in the new covenant, and all having Jesus their shepherd as their master and mediator. Shame on the WBTS!
Questioning the 144K
by OMG! Now What? ini've been considering the teachings of the 144k by the borg and am wondering why they allow women to partake especially considering revelation 14:4 which pretty much says the 144k are men who are virgins.
have any of you given this any thought?.
Must obey!
Cuz it's just symbolic language being used there...nearly all of Revelation is symbolic. It doesn't literally mean they are all virginal men.
Why does the WBTS keep confusing 'rulership' with 'kingdom'?
by Must obey! ini get annoyed at how the society keeps harping on about how 'the kingdom' of god is actually a heavenly governmental rulership, made up of 144,000 & christ.
for example, this quote in the study article about god's sovereignty just reviewed:.
"a sovereign generally exercises his authority through an agency that is placed over his subjects.the kingdom of god, therefore, is an expression or exercise of god's universal sovereignty toward his creatures, a means or an agency used by him to carry out his rulership.".
Must obey!
Thank you journey-on. The WBTS in the Insight Volumes does allude to the Kingdom being all that Jehovah rules over as universal sovereign but it conflates this broader,more expansive truth with their mantra about the kingdom being a "heavenly government", a vehicle or agency that rules from heaven, that we pray to come and replace all human forms of government. They are being deliberately disingenuous about this and obfuscating this truth from the rank and file. They do this because they want the "other sheep" to believe that only those with the 'heavenly hope' have the prospect of being in the kindom and so only those ones have the right to partake of the emblems. The Society wants to hide the beautiful scriptural truth that ALL true Christians, whether professing and earthly or a heavenly hope, are in God's Kingdom now and will inherit the Kingdom, either in the "new heavens" or the "new earth" (2 Peter, Revelation 21) in the future. It's a deliberate doctrinal ploy to keep JW's blinded to the scriptural truth that there is no separation by the holy spirit between those with an "earthly hope" and a "heavenly hope". The nefarious GB wishes to blind 99% of JW's to the truth that they also "inherit the Kingdom" (the earthly realm of it) and are also in the "new covenant".
As for the oft-quoted words of Jesus "the Kingdom of God is within you" (which is a poor translation), I think the Society's explanation of the commonly perpetuated misunderstanding about what Jesus meant by this is quote sound. You can find their explanation about what Jesus really meant in their 'Reasoning' book.
Can raising a child JW contribute to later psychiatric disorders?
by journey-on ini read about the high incidents of mental illness and psychiatric disorders among jehovah's witnesses and it .
started me thinking about why this is and how so.
then i made this list and realized how much a child's psyche.
Must obey!
Well, no offence to you Blondie, but I agree with R Crusoe. The whole'chemical' imbalance thing is overstated (it should more correctly be 'mineral' not 'chemical' anyway). A lot of 'chemical imbalances' are triggered by severe emotional upsets and simple abuse or lack of love, or poor nutrition or drug dependency. The orthodox medical community wants to perpetuate the myth that anyone with a mental disorder, depression, etc has a 'chemical imbalance' that needs correcting by their harmful, synthetic, drugs. Those doctors and the big pharmaceutical companies have massively vested financial interests in perpetuating their myths. Lots of love and affection and good self-esteem works wonders for many people formerly stuck on drugs to fix their 'chemical imbalance'.
Ok, so clearly, I can't keep my big, fat stinkin mouth shut even though...
by cognac ini've been warned.
i keep saying little things to my husband, and he clearly won't budge any more then he already has.
i just want him to see the truth.
Must obey!
Good post Velta.
The fact that your husband is apparently consumed with guilt over this reveals a lack of faith in the power of Jesus to forgive your sins, if you want to look at them that way. You were both in love and did some things you felt were offensive to God. But you were still in love, right? So how bad can it be. But it would still be fine to both pray to God and ask for his forgiveness, together, sincerely and heartfeltly. Then JUST LET IT GO! Have faith that Jesus sacrifice is big and powerful enough to cover your sins, no matter how big they feel on your conscience. If after that your husband still carries the guilt around with him then he is insulting Jehovah and Jesus, much more than the original sin! Why? Because to not believe he is fully forgiven is like saying he does not believe that Jesus' ransom sacrifice & his shed blood is powerful & special enough to cover his sins. So the key is for him to meditate on that. But unfortunately JW's do not have a real relationship with Jesus and this is why many feel no sense of forgiveness until they run to the elders; JW's are mentally brainwashed into feeling that they must have some tangible reconciliation with the mother organisation to get on with their lives, rather than focusing instead on their relationship with God and Jesus. Help him focus on Jesus, not the organisation and the elders, and you will win!
Why does the WBTS keep confusing 'rulership' with 'kingdom'?
by Must obey! ini get annoyed at how the society keeps harping on about how 'the kingdom' of god is actually a heavenly governmental rulership, made up of 144,000 & christ.
for example, this quote in the study article about god's sovereignty just reviewed:.
"a sovereign generally exercises his authority through an agency that is placed over his subjects.the kingdom of god, therefore, is an expression or exercise of god's universal sovereignty toward his creatures, a means or an agency used by him to carry out his rulership.".
Must obey!
I get annoyed at how the Society keeps harping on about how 'the kingdom' of God is actually a heavenly governmental rulership, made up of 144,000 & Christ. For example, this quote in the study article about God's sovereignty just reviewed:
"A sovereign generally exercises his authority through an agency that is placed over his subjects.The Kingdom of God , therefore, is an expression or exercise of God's universal sovereignty toward his creatures, a means or an agency used by him to carry out his rulership."
The second sentence in the above quote from this recent Watchtower study article is completely fallacious. It is erroneous scripturally and out of line with the normal understanding of what a Kingdom is, historically and by natural definition.
The 'kingdom of God' is not just the rulers in the kingdom. That's as absurd as saying that a parliament or president of a nation is the same as the country/nation it presides over. It is as stupid as asserting that a king & his royal court is the same as the 'kingdom' he rules over.
In reality, a 'kingdom' is the entire domain or dominion that a rulership reigns over. It includes all the subjects, property, land and possession in that dominion. That is what a kingdom is. Even a child can understand this.
Yet the Society conflates the kingdom of God with the 144,000 (symbolic number) rulers of it, even though it is plain to see in scripture that the 144,000 is merely a subset, an important but small part of the much bigger 'kingdom' of God. This kingdom will include the great crowd, because Jesus said the sheep are "inherit the Kingdom" in Matthew 25 - this is a knockdown argument against the Society's ridiculous assertion that "God's Kingdom" that Jesus told Christians to pray for in the model prayer is just a heavenly government rulership.
There are different meanings to "kingdom" in the Bible and the Society are not preaching the whole picture on this, clearly because it serves the Watchtower's purposes of creating an elitist fear and awe of themselves by the rank and file, who are taught to believe they must be loyal subjects of the "kingdom" as now represented by the remnant of the 144,000 remaining on earth, represented by the Watchtower Society and it's GB.
Did/Does God really love people?
by buffalosrfree inat john 3:16 god says he loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believed in him will have everlasting life.
yet in revelation satan and the demons were kicked out of heaven and hurled to the earth.
how is that loving, what could possibly be the reason he would do that if he really loved us.
Must obey!
On the evidence, I think God DID love us, but since he has done nothing for the last 2,000 years, there is no rational basis for loving him now. Love is continuous, constant, dynamic, it does not rest on its reputation for what one did millennia ago. So while I believe in God I do not feel much love for him and never will until he finally does something supernatural & miraculous again to save mankind and prove his love for us again...dreams are free I guess